FHDW Hannover
E-mail: joel.greenyer@fhdw.de
I am a Professor for Software Engineering at the FHDW Hannover. I also teach at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Leibniz Universität Hannover. This website presents my research- and teaching-related activities.
Short Bio
From 2019-2020 I worked as a software architect at Volkswagen (Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles). From 2013-2019 I was an assistant professor (Juniorprofessor) at the Leibniz Universität Hannover, affiliated to the Software Engineering Group of Prof. Kurt Schneider. Before that (from 2011-2013), I was a postdoc researcher in the DEpendable Evolvable Pervasive Software Engineering (DEEP-SE) group, working with Prof. Carlo Ghezzi, at the Politecnico di Milano.. From 2007-2011, I was a doctoral student in the Software Engineering Group at the University of Paderborn, led by Prof. Wilhelm Schäfer.
My research focuses on model-based, automated, and formal software engineering techniques for the development and analysis of software-intensive systems. Especially, I am interested in scenario-based specification approaches for cyber-physical systems and the application of systematic validation, formal verification, and machine learning techniques.