This paper on Multi-Robot Motion and Task Planning in Automotive Production Using Controller-based Safe Reinforcement Learning, written with Eric Wete, Daniel Kudenko and Wolfgang Nejdl, was accepted at the 3rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024).
Category Archives: Publications
MEKES 2018 Workshop Paper Preprint and Video available
We uploaded a preprint of our paper “A Scenario-Based MDE Process for Dynamic Topology Collaborative Reactive Systems — Early Virtual Prototyping of Car-to-X System Specifications”, which was accepted at the MEKES 2018 Workshop.
We also created a video presentation of our work, including a demo of the implemented prototype.
- The coordination logic of a car-to-x system is modeled using SML scenarios
- These scenarios are compiled to specialized Java code that executes the scenarios.
- The code is executed in a distributed setting, running on a laptop and Android devices
- The scenario execution is integrated with a 3D driving simulator (OpenDS): collisions of cars with marker objects in the 3D simulation are translated to environment events that are injected into the play-out of the car-to-x coordination logic.
ScenarioTools Science of Computer Programming article published
Our article “ScenarioTools — A Tool Suite for the Scenario-based Modeling and Analysis of Reactive Systems” was now published in the Original Software Publication track of the Science of Computer Programming journal:
MDETools’17 paper accepted
Our paper “A Scenario-based MDE Process for Developing Reactive Systems: A Cleaning Robot Example” was accepted at the 1st Model-Driven Engineering Tools Challenge Workshop (MDETools’17), co-located with MODELS 2017.
ESEC/FSE 2017 tool demo paper accepted
Our tool demo paper From Scenario Modeling to Scenario Programming for Reactive Systems with Dynamic Topology was accepted at ESEC/FSE 2017. See you in Paderborn!
See demo video and artifact at
AIRE 2017 paper accepted (RE’17 workshop)
Our paper Toward Learning Realizable Scenario-based, Formal Requirements Specifications was accepted at the AIRE 2017 workshop, co-located with RE’17.
MODELS 2017 paper accepted
Our paper titled Symbolic Execution for Realizability-Checking of Scenario-based Specifications was accepted at MODELS 2017. See you in Austin!
MORSE 2017 paper accepted
Our paper Controller Synthesis and PCL Code Generation from Scenario-based GR(1) Robot Specifications was accepted at the MORSE workshop 2017.
MODELSWARD 2017 paper accepted
Our paper titled Distributing Scenario-Based Models: A Replicate-and-Project Approach was accepted at MODELSWARD 2017.
MODELS Tool Demo Paper accepted
Our tool demo paper titled Scenario-Based Modeling and Synthesis for Reactive Systems with Dynamic System Structure in ScenarioTools was accepted at MODELS 2016.
Read the paper here.
See our short demo video and artifact download here.