MEKES 2018 Workshop Paper Preprint and Video available

We uploaded a preprint of our paper “A Scenario-Based MDE Process for Dynamic Topology Collaborative Reactive Systems — Early Virtual Prototyping of Car-to-X System Specifications”, which was accepted at the MEKES 2018 Workshop.

We also created a video presentation of our work, including a demo of the implemented prototype.


  • The coordination logic of a car-to-x system is modeled using SML scenarios
  • These scenarios are compiled to specialized Java code that executes the scenarios.
  • The code is executed in a distributed setting, running on a laptop and Android devices
  • The scenario execution is integrated with a 3D driving simulator (OpenDS):  collisions of cars with marker objects in the 3D simulation are translated to environment events that are injected into the play-out of the car-to-x coordination logic.


Video online: UbiBots – Model Based Software Engineering for Ubiquitous Cyber-Physical Systems

The final presentation video of the project course “UbiBots – Model Based Software Engineering for Ubiquitous Cyber-Physical Systems” is now uploaded to YouTube.

The video presents the results of a master project course conducted at the Software Engineering group of the Leibniz Universität Hannover ( in 2015.

In this course, a group of students used the ScenarioTools tool suite ( to specify the behavior of an advanced driver assistance system based on Car-to-X communication. The main example regarded in the course was the warning of drivers as they pass a narrow lane caused by roadworks.

Then an execution infrastructure was developed to execute the scenario-based specification on RaspberryPi-based and Java-enabled robots (Pi2Go).

See also the project website:
See also a paper publication of the topic (scenarios@run.time):…